Entries in Herndon (2)


Frying Pan Farm Park - Herndon, VA (again)

Here are some photos from a recent visit to Frying Pan Farm Park in Herndon, VA. Photos taken with the Yashica FX-3 using Kodak Portra 400.


Welcome to Old Town Herndon

Here are some photos I made of Old Town Herndon, VA.  I took some quick shots as I drove past this morning. Since I'm out in the suburbs now, I think I can use this blog to showcase some of the neighborhoods outside of the beltway to help recruit more folks to move out this way :).

Herndon is a nice little town filled with restaurants and little shops lined along brick pavered sidewalks. Many of the homes are built in the old foursquare style and still hold their charm of an era long gone. Hopefully I captured that in the photos below.

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