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Photographing Fireworks - Brambleton, VA

So last Saturday my neighborhood had their annual Red, White and Bram (Brambleton) Festival which included a day of concerts, food and fireworks. I decided to experiment and shoot fireworks at different shutter speeds and aperture settings to see what I would get. I didn't have a tripod on me so most of these shots were handheld while leaning the camera against a rail.  These were shot with my Nikon D90.  Can you tell which ones where shot with a slower shutter speed?

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Reader Comments (4)

mike, these pictures are so cool!!! i've never been successful at capturing fireworks with a camera. they always come out to be a blurry mess. but your pictures make me feel like i'm actually watching the fireworks go off in person! i'm guessing the last two were shot with a lower shutter speed?

June 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkim

Michael, these are great! We would love to share them in an album on Brambleton's facebook page. Can you email us a few? We will give you credit of course.

June 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie Lee

Thanks Kim! You're right and most likely you need a tripod or a real steady hand when taking pictures at night.

June 30, 2011 | Registered CommenterMichael Munoz

Stephanie thanks! And thanks for posting on the Brambleton FB site!

June 30, 2011 | Registered CommenterMichael Munoz

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