Frying Pan Farm Park - Herndon, VA
Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 6:05AM
One of the best perks about living in the DC area as a parent is all the free stuff you can do with your kids. The museums, zoo, and local farms are all free for your kids to explore. This past Saturday we took our kids and my sister's kids to Frying Pan Farm Park in Herndon. It's a working farm where children can run around and pet the animals. It has a playground too and a picnic area to enjoy some outdoor eats.
I had fun making these photos below. I used Kodak Portra 160 NC and rated it at an ISO of 50. Learned one thing though, it's tough using manual focus on children. You can't get them to sit still long enough :).
Reader Comments (4)
nice pics. Like how your camera pics up the red objects. Red fence against a white sheep. Nice man!
Thanks Sal!
So did the lab develop the photos normally? Looks great! If you don't mind can you explain why you chose to rate it at 50ISO?
Thanks Cristina! I set the ISO to 50 so that when I meter, it's metering about 1 and half stops overexposed. I think it helps with saturating the colors a bit more (especially on a cloudy day like it was when I made these photos).